Statement of Purpose




Legal Name, Status & Address

Oak Tree Partnership, Oak Tree Health Centre, Tyne Avenue, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7GD


Registered Managers

Dr Justine Geddes – Senior Partner
Oak Tree Health Centre, Tyne Avenue, Didcot, Oxon OX11 7GD
Tel: 01235 810099

image depicting the statement of purpose


Our Services – What, to Whom, and Where?

The provision of General Practice consultation and treatment under a General Medical Services (GMS) contract. Said provision to the population of the Didcot Ladygrove housing estate and its surrounding area. Our patient list size was 10,666 as of January 2022


Aims & Objectives – “Helping You To Stay Well”

The Oak Tree Health Centre offers a full and expanding range of health care services to the population of the Didcot Ladygrove housing estate and its surrounding area.

We will strive to provide the highest levels of care and service to our patients in a pleasant, welcoming and friendly environment. We are committed to continuous improvement in all that we do.

The Health Centre will provide excellent access to its clinical staff and will be committed to reducing health inequalities We will seek the participation of our patients in the development of our services, directly supporting the GP Commissioning programme.

We are also passionate for patients to be fully involved in the care of their own health. We will care and advise but we will also make patients aware of their responsibilities towards the maintenance of their own health.

Finally, Oak Tree will provide a safe and welcoming environment to its staff. We will offer them security, involvement and the development of their careers to both the benefit of themselves and our patients.